Simplygon Batch
Simplygon Batch is a batch processing command line tool that uses Simplygon Grid to process multiple assets (scenes) using multiple processing settings files (.spl files).
Installation path and installer options
See Installation/Setup for installation path and installer options.
Command line arguments
SimplygonBatch.exe --<command> <command parameter if any>
Command | Required | Description |
--Input <path> | Yes | Path to an asset or a directory of assets to process (.ssf, .obj, .fbx and .stl files supported). |
--Output <path> | Yes | Path to a directory where the processing result will be put. |
--Spl <path> | Yes | Path to a processing settings file (.spl file) or a directory of processing settings files (.spl files). |
--Report <path> | No | If the path evaluates to a directory then a report file will be generated and saved to the indicated directory, otherwise report messages are written to the indicated file. |
--Temp <path> | No | Path to a directory where temporary data will be put. If the command is not entered then the temporary directory <current user's temporary folder>\SimplygonBatch will be used. |
--Server <IP address:port> | No | The IP address and port number of the Simplygon Grid Server that shall handle the processing jobs issued by Simplygon Batch. If the command is not entered then port 55001 on localhost will be used ( |
--Verbose | No | If entered then Simplygon Batch will log verbosely to the command prompt. |
--ForceReprocessing | No | If entered then all assets (discovered in the supplied --Input path) will get processed even though a corresponding processing result of an asset already exists on the Simplygon Grid Server (due to a previous processing job using the very same asset and settings). In some cases where the scene hash algorithm fails to detect relevant changes to the asset, this command may be used in order to prevent an incorrect (obsolete) processing result. |
--RawOutput | No | If entered then the sub-folder structure of the output folder will correspond to the SPL file nodes instead of the folder structure setup by Simplygon Batch. |
--GroupOutputByAsset | No | If entered then the output folder structure will adhere to a asset-then-settings file structure, instead of the default settings file-then-asset structure. That is, <Output folder>\<Asset name>\<Settings file name>\<processing results> folder structure instead of the default <Output folder>\<Settings file name>\<Asset name>\<processing results> structure. |
--OutputFileFormat <fileformat> | No | Output file format override (.ssf, .obj, .fbx and .stl files supported). |
All discovered assets at the indicated input path (--Input <path>) will get processed using all discovered settings files (--Spl <path>) - a total of asset count * settings file count processing results will thus be produced to the indicated output folder (--Output <path>).
OutputFileFormat (--OutputFileFormat <fileformat>) can be used to override the output file format for all files. If this flag is used we recommend setting the format in all write nodes in SPL to SSF, for best compatibility. An example of when to use this flag is when you want the target format to be FBX and want to preserve non-mesh/non-material data, such as skinning. A special case with the FBX pipeline is that it require the original input file to be able to transfer data to new files, otherwise the data will be lost. This flag specifies that a conversion to a specific file format will be done on the client side, which in this case also means that the batch tool will have access to the original input when writing new FBX files.
The return value is the number of successfully jobs processed. It is the number of failed jobs if the value is negative.
The following example will process every asset in E:\MyInput\MyAssets using every settings file in E:\MyInput\MySettings and output the processing results to E:\MyOutput while logging verbosely to the command prompt.
SimplygonBatch.exe --Input E:\MyInput\MyAssets --Output E:\MyOutput --Spl E:\MyInput\MySettings --Verbose